domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

Satán y los gays

Un colega me ha mandado esta noticia que me deja bastante perplejo. 

A New York-based temple devoted to encouraging "benevolence and empathy among all people" through the teachings of Satan traveled over the weekend to the Mississippi gravesite of Catherine Idalette Johnston, late mother of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Jr., in order to perform a same-sex ceremony aimed at turning Johnston's spirit gay.

Por poner un poco de contexto:

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an American unaffiliated Baptist church known for its extreme ideologies, especially those against gay people. The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.

Lo que realmente me ha sorprendido son los preceptos de la Iglesia Satánica. De la Wikipedia:

The Church of Satan does not "worship" or believe in Satan, nor do they believe in gods. LaVeyan Satanism follows the belief that one's self is their own "God". They do not believe in suppression of desire and human nature. In an interview with David Shankbone, High Priest Peter Gilmore stated "My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in the Devil or God, they are abdicating reason". Gilmore defines the word "Satan": "Satan is a model or a mode of behavior. Satan in Hebrew means 'adversary' or 'opposer'; one who questions."

Gilmore went on to add "Satanism begins with atheism. We begin with the universe and say, 'It’s indifferent. There’s no God, there’s no Devil. No one cares!'"

Lo que no entiendo es que pinta Satán en todo esto.

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