jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

JR: Use art to turn the world inside out

El que no vea el proximo video que no se moleste en volver por aqui.

Wikipedia dice de el:
JR is the name of a photographer and artist whose identity is unconfirmed. He has described himself as a "photograffeur", he flyposts large black-and-white photographic images in public locations in a manner which is similar to the appropriation of the built environment by the graffiti artist. He states that the street is "the largest art gallery in the world." He started out on the streets of Paris. JR's work "often challenges widely held preconceptions and the reductive images propagated by advertising and the media."

JR's work combines art and action and deals with commitment, freedom, identity and limits. He has been introduced by Fabrice Bousteau as: "the one we already call the Cartier-Bresson of the 21st century". On October 20, 2010, JR won the TED prize for 2011. "The TED Prize is awarded annually to an exceptional individual who receives $100,000 and, much more important, 'One Wish to Change the World.' Designed to leverage the TED community's exceptional array of talent and resources, the Prize leads to collaborative initiatives with far-reaching impact."

Esta creo que es de las mejores charlas que he visto en TED, sobretodo el haber ganado el premio TED 2011 dice mucho mas que cualquier descripcion que pueda hacer.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Cunt! Vilayanur le dal mil vueltas, sin parpadear!

Nt impressed*, o tiene q haber de todo supongo..

*Con su idea de art, vaya...q meterse en una fabela si tiene merito, desdeluego.