domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013


El Urban Dictionary define Juggalo como:

"For the most part, an uneducated, pathetic excuse for a human being who listens to the group ICP (insane clow pose) who are bold enough to actually consider themselves musicians. People you see wearing "hatchet-man" accesories. They should not be allowed to reproduce, because that is too cruel to future generations. ICP isn't rap, it isn't metal, it isn't rap/metal, and it isn't horrorpop. There is only one way to properly categorize ICP; unnecessarily and unartfully offensive and obnoxious noise.
That juggalo is stupid enough to think that ICP is music."
A mi personalmente me parecen una mezcla a partes iguales de hippie, redneck y superviviente de Mad Max II.
Insane clow pose es el peor grupo de la historia con diferencia, ejemplo:
 Y después de poneros mas o menos en antecedentes os dejo un documental sobre un festival en el que se juntan los Juggalos, en pocos sitios me lo podría pasar peor. Enjoy.

whooooop whoooop!!

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